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The Anvil Chorus | Haunted: Part 1 - Darker Than Black

Writer's picture: M Glenn GoreM Glenn Gore

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

The Anvil Chorus is an animated superhero action series that follows the adventures of Lincoln Anvil, a sixteen year-old girl who is the last superhero on Earth.

In this episode, S1E13, "Haunted: Part I - Darker Than Black," Bureau Captain Carlos Esposito has drawn the short straw, meeting with a fellow agent, whom he has feelings for, in order to convince her to cancel her plans for the evening to assist on a dangerous mission into almost-certain death.




ESPOSITO walks up the hall, passing two FEMALE WARDENS. They wear aerobic pants and USMC sports tanks, and carry GYM BAGS over their shoulders, TENNIS RACKETS in their hands. The women salute in passing.

WARDEN #1 Captain.

ESPOSITO Shepherd. Crutchfield.

Esposito stops at a closed door and waits for the two women to round a corner before he KNOCKS with the back of his hand.

SANTANGELO (O.S.) It’s open.

He musters his courage and opens the door, stepping into--


--which are tastefully decorated. She has made excellent use of the limited space. It’s cozy, candle-lit, and romantic.

Zero Seven’s In the Waiting Line plays softly on her stereo.

Esposito looks around nervously, turning his back to the room so he can take in the décor when SANTANGELO, wearing a pair of heels and a stylish black dress that’s all legs, walks in. She slips in an earring as she talks. Esposito turns when he hears her voice, but she still hasn’t noticed it’s him. The back of Santangelo’s dress isn’t zipped, offering him an unexpected glimpse of her lacy, black underwear.

SANTANGELO Listen, I was thinking we could hit up that club with the dance floor on the--

She turns, head cocked to one side, both hands fumbling with the second earring. Esposito just stands with his mouth open. She wears her dark-brown locks in long, loose curls instead of the functional braided ponytail he’s used to seeing it in.

Santangelo looks like she just walked off a Paris runway.

SANTANGELO (CONT’D) (beat) Carlos.

ESPOSITO Um, I’m Carlos.

SANTANGELO Yes, I know. I wasn’t taking attendance. I thought you were Rivetti. She’s late, obviously, so here, make yourself useful.



Santangelo lifts her hair and holds it in front of her chest, exposing her bare shoulders. Esposito still stands frozen.

SANTANGELO (CONT’D) Preferably sometime tonight.

He snaps to, steps closer, and takes the zipper in hand. His eyes drift to her long, slender neck as he does her up. She lets her hair drop and twirls around, looking into his eyes.



SANTANGELO (beat) Did you need something?


SANTANGELO Before we leave. Did you need something?

ESPOSITO No. Yes. Wait. Who’s leaving?

SANTANGELO I am. I have a date.

ESPOSITO You said “we.”

SANTANGELO Yes. Rivetti and me.

ESPOSITO Rivetti’s married.

SANTANGELO More for me, then.

ESPOSITO You’re going on a date?

SANTANGELO A double date, actually.

ESPOSITO Dressed like that?

SANTANGELO What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?

ESPOSITO Uh, nothing?

SANTANGELO Damn right.

ESPOSITO Unless you want to get kidnapped.

SANTANGELO That’s a little more commitment than I’m looking for tonight, thank you.


SANTANGELO I thought so.

ESPOSITO I’m serious.

Santangelo walks to a GUN CABINET lined with semiautomatics, an assault rifle, and two shotguns, unlocking it with a key.

ESPOSITO (CONT’D) There are some crazy people out there.

SANTANGELO In here, too. I’m taking protection.

ESPOSITO You mean...

She removes a Beretta Px4 Storm sub-compact, then loads and safeties it before slipping it into a matching black CLUTCH.


ESPOSITO You’re not gonna need that.

SANTANGELO I will if he takes me to a Denny’s.

ESPOSITO I mean, you won’t need it because you’re not going. You can’t go out tonight.

SANTANGELO What? Why not?

ESPOSITO Because something’s come up. Scotland sent me to tell you, so please keep that and the fact that I’m not wearing contact gear in mind when directing your anger--

Santangelo walks over and punches Esposito in the kidney. He doubles over, WHEEZING as he clutches a bar stool.

SANTANGELO Are you shitting me? I get one weekend off a month, and you’re yanking it?

ESPOSITO Well, not me so much as the Bureau, but--

SANTANGELO Does it look like I’m laughing?

ESPOSITO I’ll tell you when my eyesight comes back.

Esposito puts his back against the wall near the counter, and Santangelo sits next to him on a bar stool. She SIGHS.

ESPOSITO (CONT’D) I’m sorry about this. You know Scotland wouldn’t call you if it wasn’t important.

SANTANGELO Yeah. I know. I just -- I got all dolled up, and now I gotta call him and cancel.

ESPOSITO What’s his name? Mister Double Date?

SANTANGELO It’s Lieutenant Commander Double Date. He’s an officer with the JAG Corps.

ESPOSITO So he’s a jag-off.

SANTANGELO Now why you gotta go and do that?


SANTANGELO He’s really very sweet. In his way.

ESPOSITO And I bet he’s quite the dandy when he’s in that lily-white-ass Liberace uniform.

Santangelo’s eyes narrow. A slight smile comes to her face.

SANTANGELO Oh my God, Carlos! Are you jealous?

ESPOSITO I most certainly am not.

SANTANGELO You never struck me as the jealous type.

ESPOSITO I’m not jealous!

The smile stays on her face, but he won’t meet her gaze.

SANTANGELO Were you and Gilmore seeing each other?

ESPOSITO You know fraternization within the Bureau is punishable by discharge.


ESPOSITO Whatever.

SANTANGELO I heard a rumor you might have been.

ESPOSITO I wasn’t.

SANTANGELO I think you were.

ESPOSITO I think you’re nuts.

SANTANGELO I have a sixth sense about this stuff.

ESPOSITO It doesn’t work very well.

Santangelo laughs under her breath then looks to her feet.

SANTANGELO Bryson’s gonna be pissed at me.


SANTANGELO Lieutenant Commander Double Date.

ESPOSITO Ugh! His name’s Bryson?


ESPOSITO He knows what you do for a living. Text him a picture of that dress. He’ll feel better about you having to cancel.

SANTANGELO How do you know?

ESPOSITO Because if it were me, a picture of you in that dress would make me feel better about having cancer.

Santangelo looks into Esposito’s eyes and gives him a smile. He looks away, intimidated by her beauty damn-near to the point of speechlessness, which makes her smile even wider.

After another silent moment...

ESPOSITO (CONT’D) I gotta get out of here.


He bolts for the door, leaving her behind with an infectious smile still on her face, her eyes trailing him as he goes.



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