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A Theater Near You | The Business of Winning

Writer's picture: M Glenn GoreM Glenn Gore

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

A Theater Near You is a half-hour, live-action comedy-drama about a group of movie theater managers/employees in the fictional town of Wellington, Pennsylvania. In this episode, S1E02, "The Business of Winning," recently-promoted General Manager Dean deals with conducting interviews to fill his newly-vacated assistant manager position, running afoul of the brilliant Shelby in the tumultuous process.



Dean and Wally walk through the lobby, taking in the large number of PATRONS coming in for the sneak preview.

WALLY How’s the hiring going?

DEAN I spent half an hour today defending Arnold Schwarzenegger’s body of work to some guy.

WALLY Was that hard?

DEAN Have you seen End of Days?

WALLY Has anyone seen End of Days?

DEAN (beat) Touche.

As they walk, they pick up an attractive young woman about Dean’s age. She wears jeans, a hooded Notre Dame sweatshirt, and her hair pulled into a ponytail. She is SHELBY RHODES.

SHELBY Excuse me? I’m looking for Dean Strevel.

DEAN You won the jackpot, sister. He is me.

SHELBY You’re the General Manager?

DEAN I am, but the post is yours for fifty bucks and a chicken sandwich. What can I do for you, Miss...

SHELBY Rhodes. Shelby Rhodes.

DEAN Like the wrestler.

SHELBY That’s Dusty Rhodes.

DEAN You know wrestling?

SHELBY I know my name.

DEAN Who are you?

SHELBY I’m Shelby Rhodes. I’m here about the management position. My paperwork was faxed in already.

DEAN We have a fax machine?

WALLY Indoor plumbing, too.

DEAN Well, that I knew. Step into my office, Miss Rhodes.

They enter--


SHELBY This is your office?

DEAN Ha. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that I do have a fax machine.

SHELBY This hypothetical sounds vaguely entertaining.

DEAN Your resume must be pretty impressive.

SHELBY I felt I selected a striking font.

DEAN I say that because you’re dressed like you work at an Old Navy.

SHELBY Banana Republic, Mr. Strevel, please.

DEAN Most people tend to dress better for an interview.

SHELBY I think I look nice.

DEAN You’re wearing a Notre Dame hoodie.

SHELBY It came with my Master’s.

They step out into--


DEAN I don’t have you down for an interview.

SHELBY There’s a reason for that.

DEAN You thought if you showed up unannounced, I’d just be impressed by your gumption?

SHELBY I’m sorry, my what?

DEAN Your gumption. Your initiative.


DEAN You didn’t learn that word at Notre Dame?

SHELBY No, but Notre Dame isn’t in the Ozarks.

DEAN You’ve got a bit of a sharp tongue.

SHELBY It’s also forked and silver. Most meals I don’t even need utensils.

Dean takes Shelby into--


DEAN Have a seat anywhere you want.

Dean moves a stack of papers, revealing a fax machine buried underneath. He takes her resume from the tray, then turns to find Shelby has taken a seat behind his desk.

SHELBY You said anywhere.

DEAN So I did.

SHELBY How’s the sneak preview looking?

DEAN Filling up. I don’t think it’s gonna sell out, but -- I’m sorry, let’s -- can -- I wanna get back to you here for a--

SHELBY Of course. Ask me anything you want.

DEAN Yes, I know how to conduct an interview. Um, let’s see here. What--

SHELBY Makes me wanna be a theater manager?

DEAN Assistant Manager.

SHELBY No, General Manager.

DEAN This theater has a General Manager.

SHELBY For the moment.

DEAN I’m -- what?

SHELBY People don’t take flying lessons so they can become copilots.

DEAN What would... um...

SHELBY I attended Notre Dame where I majored in Business Economics and minored in Theatre. That’s R-E, denoting sets and stages, not E-R, denoting popcorn and sticky floors.

DEAN No offense taken. Economics and Theatre? You were hoping to play both producer and director when you got out into the world?

SHELBY I never play, Mr. Strevel.

DEAN You never play?

SHELBY I don’t.

DEAN What does that mean?

SHELBY What does it sound like?

DEAN You have an interesting conversational style, you know that?

SHELBY Force of habit. In my business, I do more talking at people than talking with them.

DEAN And what business is that?

SHELBY The business of winning.

DEAN You can’t win if you don’t play, Miss Rhodes.

SHELBY You can if you’re me, Mister Strevel.

DEAN The business of winning?


DEAN That doesn’t really sound like something normal people say.

SHELBY Normal people don’t have an IQ of 145.

DEAN Neither do most nuclear physicists.

SHELBY Sissies.

DEAN If you’re so smart--

SHELBY Why am I here?

DEAN Yeah.

SHELBY I love a good movie.

DEAN Then you’re really in the wrong place. No bull, what are you doing here?

SHELBY If you knew that, you’d be as smart as me. Well, maybe not as smart as me, but at least as smart as a nuclear physicist.



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